Saturday, April 24, 2010

I had a dream. Or was it a nightmare?

I was driving over to Nimby City one day in my gas guzzling Hummer (No I have never owned a Hummer - I told you this was a dream.) when I noticed something very strange hovering up in the sky above the open space where the City Hall should have been... Was it a bird? Was it a plane? Was it superman? Alas, it turned out to be none of the above. It was instead a gigantic super store dangling from an even more gigantic parachute, with banners draped all over it announcing the grand opening sale of a new Mall Wart emporium, and declaring that all Nimbys were particularly welcome, no matter what their sex, colour or creed!

Big Box - Oh no! Not in Nimby City!

Now everybody knows that big box stores are not at all welcome in Nimby City (the understatement of the year). Actually, I'm struggling to imagine any type of development that might be welcome here. Certainly fast food restaurants are big no nos, and the same goes for affordable housing, auto dealerships, and many other services that you might expect to find in a more normal town or city.

So what on earth could be the meaning of this particular dream, because, as you must be aware, all dreams do indeed have hidden meanings. Could it be that the time has come to rid the city of all nimbys, starting with those who populate the City Hall?

Or could it possibly all have been a figment of my over-active imagination, as most UFO sightings turn out to be. Which is my seguey into one of the best UFO jokes I ever heard. It was, of course, told by everyone's buddy, good old Johnny Carson, who was sharing with the world the story of where the term UFO had originated. According to Johnny: A jet pilot saw this strange saucer shaped object zipping about in front of his plane, and not knowing what else to do, he hollered from the cockpit.
"You... F. O.!!!"

Beam me up Scotty... Shatner for Governor General.

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