Sunday, April 18, 2010

The eyes are the windows to the soul.

This quotation is from The Bible, Matthew 6:22-23, to be precise. And no, I have not recently attended church, or taken to secretly consulting the Good Book, I am sorry to say. My source for this information was Google, as usual.

Galileo and his telescope

But the eyes are the windows to so much more. Looking outwards through them, unless you have the misfortune to be visually impaired, you are able to perceive the world around you and everything in it. Both the good and the bad, the beauty and the uglyness. Thanks to the Hubble space telescope which circles the earth every 97 minutes, at some 8km per second, man's range of vision has expanded dramatically since the time Galileo first used his, then remarkable scope, to peer into the stars and galaxy around us.

                                                                                        Hubble's bigger and better one
Of course there are those who look into our eyes and know if we are telling the truth... or not. Perhaps judges and cops, husbands and wives, and poker players all fall into this category. Then there are these more ordinary mortals who can recognize whether we are happy or sad, frustrated, mad, satisfied, amazed, puzzled or whatever our feelings may be at that moment, just by glancing at our eyes... and unfortunately there are those insensitive clods who never notice, nor care about, the effect they are having on those around them. We could certainly all name a few of those folk, if we were only a little less sensitive and more outspoken ourselves.

As I write this, there is a question gradually forming in my own mind. Perhaps you can see it if you peer deeply into my eyes? Could blogging also be a window into the darker corners of a blogger's mind? My own for instance?

Be careful out there, it really is a dangerous world.

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