Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Photography Takes Over from Fishing

You might say my age has overtaken my hobbies.

I was (and still am at heart) an avid fly fisher, but deteriorating parts (back, shoulder, feet, etc.) have necessitated change. So rather than getting soaked, or worse, by falling into a lake, river or the ocean I've traded in my fishing gear for a camera.

I made the change quite gradually, not cold turkey like giving up cigarettes, but it was almost as difficult to break this addiction as it was more than half a century ago to quit the nicotine habit. I must admit, though, I have retained a few my favourite rods, reels and other necessities of the gentle sport of fly fishing, just in case I have a relapse.

Among the many reasons I was always so keen on angling were: enjoyment of nature and the great outdoors. Much of this naturally continues via the new hobby because my favourite photographic subjects: water and mountain views, birds and other wildlife, oftentimes lead me back to the banks of a river or the beach where the views are open, and furry or feathered critters are likely to congregate, and to be visible.

A crimson sunrise over the Oyster Riverestuary

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